
Sound Levels of Participating Vessels during the 2023 Vessel Speed Reduction Program in the Santa Barbara Channel

ZoBell, V. M. | Frasier, K. E.| Hildebrand, J. A.

2024 March Source Levels | Ship Noise | SOCAL

In 2014, the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) partnered with the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and the Environmental Defense Center to implement a voluntary, incentive-based vessel speed reduction (VSR) initiative known as the Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Program (hereafter VSR program). ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 669

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex May 2022–July 2023 and Marine Mammal Presence from CalCOFI Visual Surveys 2022–2023

Posdaljian, N. | Baggett, L. M. | Schoenbeck, C. | Jones, J. M. | Alksne, M. | Whitaker, K. | Ewing, J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Lenssen, K. | Frasier, K. E.| Thayre, B. J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

2024 January CalCOFI | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California (SOCAL) Range Complex from May 2022 to July 2023 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at four locations: one site west of San Nicolas Island (1,100 m depth, site SN), two sites west of San Clemente Island (1,300 m depth, site E and 1,200 m depth, site H), and one site southwest of San Clemente Island (1,300 m depth, site N) to improve noise monitoring for the SOCAL range. ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 668

LISTEN GoMex: 2020-2023 Long-term Investigations into Soundscapes, Trends, Ecosystems, and Noise in the Gulf of Mexico

Frasier, K. E.| Soldevilla, M. S. | Kadifa, M. A. | Hodge, L. | Frouin-Mouy, H. | Tenorio-Hallé, L.| Debich, A.| Pérez Carballo, I.| Johnson, K.| Barrera Diaz, I. C.| Gracia, A.| Serrano, A.| Garrison, L. P.| Hildebrand, J. A. | Le Henaff, M.| Ortega Ortiz, J.| Wall-Bell, C.

2024 March Passive Acoustics | Distribution | AmbientSoundscape | Gulf of Mexico

In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill had unprecedented impacts on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, including the twenty cetacean species inhabiting the oceanic waters of this semi-enclosed large marine ecosystem. Due to the impacts from DWH oil, restoration projects focused on oceanic cetaceans are being enacted in the Gulf. These projects require basic information on species’ spatiotemporal density patterns, Gulf-wide movement pat-terns, Gulf-wide population sizes, long-term abundance trends, and species’ responses to oceanographic and anthropogenic processes, along with information on Gulf-wide ambi-ent noise levels and the contributions from anthropogenic noise sources. To address these needs, NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC), UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and partners initiated a comprehensive, long-term, multi-scale passive acoustic monitoring program throughout US and Mexican Gulf waters over the 2020 – 2025 period. This program collects data needed to develop predictive habitat models to assess the processes driving seasonal, interannual, and decadal trends in spatial distribution, density, and abundance of oceanic cetaceans and to assess contributions of ambient noise sources to the Gulf soundscape. ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 667

Low-power mass-storage upgrade for High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs)

Wiggins, S. | Thayre, B. | Lenssen, K. | Hurwitz,J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Frasier, K. E.

2023 March Passive Acoustics | HARP

The High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) has been used for high fidelity, low power, long-duration, autonomous passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) underwater for over 20 years. With support from the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), a fleet of 25 HARPs was upgraded with Secure Digital (SD) data storage for power and cost savings ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 666

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex April 2021–May 2022

Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Rafter, M. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) under Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-21-2-0012 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI

2023 January Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Beaked Whale | AmbientSoundscape | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from April 2021 to May 2022 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 663

LISTEN GoMex: 2010-2021 Long-term Investigations into Soundscapes, Trends, Ecosystems, and Noise in the Gulf of Mexico

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Soldevilla, M. S. | Hodge, L. | Frouin-Mouy, H. | Pérez Carballo, I.

2022 December Passive Acoustics | Distribution | AmbientSoundscape | Gulf of Mexico

This report compiles the preliminary results from ten years of HARP recordings at 5 historic sites, over the 2010-2020 period, and from the first year of HARP recordings at 13 sites collected under the LISTEN Gulf of Mexico (GoMex) project over the 2020-2021 period. The historic recordings come from HARPs deployed at five offshore long-term sites named for nearby oceanographic features: ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 662

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals Near Norfolk Canyon June – September 2021

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Solsona Berga, A. | Frasier, K. E. | Thayre, B. J. | Hurwitz, J. P. | Bloom, S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-15-D8006 Subcontract #383-8476 (MSA2015-1176 Task Order 003) issued to HDR, Inc

2022 December Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Baleen Whale | Beaked Whale | Delphinid | Western Atlantic

A High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from June 2021 to May 2022 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Norfolk Canyon (NFC). ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 661

Spatial and Temporal Occurrence of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Ecotypes in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area from July 2011 to September 2019

Rice, A. C. | Meyers, H. J. | Oleson D. W. | Pilkington, J. F. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted under Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-21-2-0012 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI

2022 September Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Killer Whale | Gulf of Alaska

Three different killer whale (Orcinus orca) ecotypes are known to inhabit the northeastern Pacific: residents, transients, and offshores. These ecotypes are distinguished by morphological, genetic, behavioral, and acoustic differences. ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 660

Sound Levels of Participating Vessels during the 2021 Vessel Speed Reduction Program in the Santa Barbara Channel

ZoBell, V. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2022 April Source Levels | Ship Noise | SOCAL

In 2014, the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) partnered with the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and the Environmental Defense Center to implement a voluntary, incentive-based vessel speed reduction (VSR)...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 659

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex April 2020-2021 and Abundance and Density Estimates from CalCOFI Visual Surveys 2004-2021

Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Giddings, A | Rafter, M. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-21-2-0012 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2022 February Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Density | Abundance | Baleen Whale | Beaked Whale | Delphinid | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from April 2020 to 2021 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at four locations: two west of San Clemente Island (1,300 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 657

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex June 2019 - June 2020

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Solsona Berga, A. | Frasier, K. E. | Thayre, B. J. | Majewski, D. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2021 December Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Kogia spp. | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from June 2019 to June 2020 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex. The HARP was deployed on the seafloor at approximately 802 m depth, located 83 nm off the Florida coastline on the continental...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 656

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals Near Norfolk Canyon May 2019 - May 2020

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Solsona Berga, A. | Frasier, K. E. | Thayre, B. J. | Majewski, D. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2021 December Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Kogia spp. | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from May 2019 to May 2020 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Norfolk Canyon (NFC). The HARP was deployed 75 nm offshore in approximately 857 m of water. The HARP recorded sound in...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 655

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals offshore of Cape Hatteras, NC October 2019 - October 2020

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Solsona Berga, A. | Frasier, K. E. | Thayre, B. J. | Majewski, D. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2021 December Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Kogia spp. | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARPs) was deployed from October 2019 to October 2020 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds offshore in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex, approximately 44 nm northeast from Cape Hatteras (HAT). The HARP was deployed approximately 75 nm offshore in 816 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 654

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex November 2018 - May 2020

Rice, A. C. | Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-19-2-0028 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2021 January Passive Acoustics | Blue Whale | Fin Whale | Beaked Whale | Ambient Soundscape | Sonar | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from November 2018 to May 2020 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at four locations: two west of San Clemente Island...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 650

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex June 2017 - 2019

Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Merrifield, M. | Thayre, B. J. | O'Neill, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Frasier, K. E. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2020 June Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Kogia spp. | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

Two High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed sequentially from June 2017 to October 2017 and from June 2018 to June 2019 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex. Both HARPs were deployed on the seafloor at approximately 740 m depth, located...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 649

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals near Norfolk Canyon June 2018 - May 2019

Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Merrifield, M. | Thayre, B. J. | O'Neill, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Frasier, K. E. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2020 June Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Kogia spp. | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from June 2018 to May 2019 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Norfolk Canyon (NFC). The HARP was deployed 75 nm offshore in approximately 1050 m of water. The HARP recorded sound...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 648

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals offshore of Cape Hatteras June 2018 - September 2019

Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Merrifield, M. | Thayre, B. J. | O'Neill, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Frasier, K. E. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2020 June Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Ambient Soundscape | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | Western Atlantic

Three High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed from June 2018 to September 2019 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds offshore in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex, approximately 44 nm northeast from Cape Hatteras (HAT). All three HARPs were deployed approximately 75 nm...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 647

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area September 2017 to 2019

Rice, A. C. | Posdaljian, N. | Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0016 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2020 February Passive Acoustics | Anthropogenic Sound | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (GATMAA) from September 2017 to June 2018 and from April to September 2019 to record the low- frequency ambient soundscape and detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds during times of naval exercises in the area. High-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 646

SoundTrap ST500 Calibration at the Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC)

Wiggins, S. M. | Morris, M. A

2019 December Calibration | TRANSDEC

Acoustic calibration of the SoundTrap ST500 was conducted at the U.S. Navy’s NWIC Pacific Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC) in San Diego. Recordings were collected from four systems on 4 and 18 October 2019 to measure the sensitivity and transfer function frequency responses in addition to short- and long-axis...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 645

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex July 2018 - May 2019

Rice, A. C. | Rafter, M. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0016 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2020 January Passive Acoustics | Anthropogenic Sound | Blue Whale | Fin Whale | Beaked Whale | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from July 2018 to May 2019 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: two west of San Clemente Island (1,300 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 643

Prototype Low-Cost Hydrophone for the Ocean of Things Program

Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) under Subcontract No. P314576 for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Ocean of Things (OOT) Program

2019 June Hydrophone

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Ocean of Things (OOT) program seeks to expand maritime awareness across open seas by supporting development of ocean-based Internet of Things (IOT) made of a distributed network of thousands of small, low-cost, smart floating sensors. Each float is envisioned...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 641

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Western Atlantic, June 2017 - June 2018

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | O'Neill, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Cholewiak, D. M. | Van Parijs, S. M.

Submitted To: Northeast Fisheries Science Center

2020 June Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Kogia spp. | Delphinid | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Airguns | Echosounder | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Western Atlantic (WAT) from June 2017 to June 2018. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed at eight offshore locations: Heezen Canyon (HZ) at 1,100 m depth, Oceanographer Canyon (OC) at 800 m depth, Nantucket Canyon (NC) at 920 m depth, Babylon...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 640

Marine Mammal Monitoring on California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) Cruises: Summary of Results 2016-2019

Trickey, J. S. | Thayre, B. J. | Whitaker, K. | Giddings, A. | Frasier, K. E. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0016 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2020 January Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Density | Abundance | Cetacean | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Cetacean distribution, density, and abundance in the Southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during thirteen California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from July 2016 - July 2019. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect protocol during all daylight transits, while...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 639

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals Offshore of Diablo Canyon November 2012 – March 2013

Rafter, M. A. | Rice, A. C. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Trickey, J. S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting program (NASA Grant No. NNX14AR62A), the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management Ecosystem Studies program (BOEM award No. MC15AC00006).

2020 June Passive Acoustics | SOCAL

Two High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARP) were deployed from November 2012 to March 2013 to record marine mammal sounds and study the environmental impacts of offshore geophysical surveys planned near the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. One HARP was deployed on the seafloor at approximately at 100 m in shallow water to collect full-bandwidth recordings of harbor porpoises and coastal bottlenose dolphins. A second HARP was deployed at approximately 1,000 m depth to monitor the full range of marine mammal species present within the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon seismic survey. The analysis conducted in this report focuses on the second HARP deployed for a variety of marine mammal species. ...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 637

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex March 2017 - July 2019

Rice, A. C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Rafter, M. A. | Regan, E. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-18-2-0016 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2019 January Passive Acoustics | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from March 2017 to July 2018 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: northwest of San Clemente Island...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 636

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals off Cape Hatteras May 2017 - 2018

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Regan, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2019 March Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

Two High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARP) were deployed sequentially from May 2017 to June 2018 to record marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore ~44 nm northeast from Cape Hatteras (HAT). Both HARPs were deployed on the seafloor at approximately 1,150 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 635

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals at Norfolk Canyon June 2017 - June 2018

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Regan, E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2019 February Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from June 2017 to June 2018 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Norfolk Canyon (NFC). The HARP was located 75 nm offshore in approximately 950 m of water. The HARP recorded sound in...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 634

Seal Bomb Sound Source Characterization

Wiggins, S. M. | Krumpel, A. | Dorman L. M. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

2019 February Seal Bombs

Over 600 seal bombs were exploded underwater ~10 nm offshore of La Jolla, California during the late spring in 2017 to characterize their source signature, primarily focusing on source sound pressure level (SL). Calibrated underwater recordings of pulse waveforms were evaluated with regard to propagation environments so that appropriate...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 633

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Western Atlantic April 2016 - June 2017

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Thayre, B. J. | Ziegenhorn, M. A. | Cohen, R. | O'Neill, E. E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Cholewiak, D. M. | Van Parijs, S. M.

Submitted To: Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Climate, NOAA Award: NA10OAR4320156 from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center

2018 September Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Western Atlantic (WAT) from April 2016 to June 2017. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed at eight offshore locations: Heezen Canyon (site HZ) at 850 m depth, Oceanographer Canyon (site OC) at 1100 m depth, Nantucket Canyon (site NC) at 980 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 632

Beaked Whale Passive Acoustic Tracking offshore of Cape Hatteras 2017

Wiggins, S. M. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2018 October Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | 3D Acoustic Tracking | Western Atlantic

An array of passive acoustic monitoring recorders was deployed during May 2017 in the US Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore of Cape Hatteras to track marine mammals. The tracking array was configured as a large aperture array with three recorders at triangle vertices approximately 700 m apart. Two recorders were each...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 631

Geographic differences in Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) echolocation clicks

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Trickey, J. S. | Frasier, K. E. | Oleson, E. M.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0014 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2018 September Beaked Whale | Echolocation

Understanding the distribution of cetacean species and their populations over space and time is relevant to conservation, management, and mitigation goals. Geographic differences in Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation pulses are investigated as a potential tool for population-...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 630

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals at Norfolk Canyon April 2016 - June 2017

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Širović, A. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2018 July Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from April 2016 to June 2017 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Norfolk Canyon (NFC). The HARP was located 75 nm offshore in approximately 1000 m of water. The HARP recorded sound in...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 629

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals off Cape Hatteras during April 2016 - January 2017

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2018 July Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from April 2016 to February 2017 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex offshore from Cape Hatteras (HAT). The HARP was located 75 nm offshore in approximately 1000 m of water. The HARP recorded...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 628

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area May to September 2015 and April to September 2017

Rice, A. C. | Solsona Berga, A. | Posdaljian, N. | Rafter, M. A. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0014 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2018 July Passive Acoustics | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (GATMAA) from May to September 2015 and from April to September 2017 to record the low-frequency ambient soundscape and detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds during times of naval exercises in the area. High-...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 627

Five Years of Whale Presence in the SOCAL Range Complex 2013 - 2017

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Širović, A.

Submitted To: Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0014 for U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2018 July Presence | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from January 2013 to June 2017 to detect marine mammal sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at four locations: west of San Clemente Island (1,000 m depth, site H), south...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 626

Summary of Five Years of Ambient and Anthropogenic Sound in the SOCAL Range Complex 2012 - 2017

Wiggins, S. M. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Roch, M. A. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2018 July Ambient Soundscape | Anthropogenic Sound | SOCAL

Underwater ambient and anthropogenic sounds were recorded over five years in the U.S. Navy’s Southern California Range Complex, the site of periodic at-sea training. The area was acoustically monitored and reported on for three sites ranging from ~500 m to 1300 m deep from June 2012 to June 2017 (Kerosky et al., 2013; Debich et al...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 625

Research Cruise Report: USCGC Maple, July 20 - August 21, 2017 Northwest Passage Transit

Jones, J. M.

2018 April Northwest Passage

The USCGC MAPLE (WLB-207) completed a transit of the Northwest Passage in summer, 2017, departing Sitka, Alaska on July 12 and arriving in Baltimore, Maryland on August 28. While the ship was in Alaskan and Canadian Arctic waters, substantial ship time and crew effort was dedicated to conduct operations in support of oceano-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 624

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex April 2016 - June 2017

Rafter, M. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hodge, L. W. E. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, issued to HDR, Inc.

2018 May Passive Acoustics | Anthropogenic Sound | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Western Atlantic

A High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from April 2016 to June 2017 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex. The HARP was located 83 nm off the Florida coastline on the continental slope. The HARP recorded sound in the frequency band...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 623

Gulf of Alaska fin whale calling behavior studied with acoustic tracking

Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2018 February Fin Whale | 3D Acoustic Tracking | Gulf of Alaska

A pair of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were concurrently tracked in the Gulf of Alaska from their 40-Hz calls recorded on an array of passive acoustic monitoring instruments. Calls were produced during movement of the whales along convergent tracks, but following a close-approach (~500 m) between the whales, there was...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 622

California Cooperative Fisheries Investigation Marine Mammal Surveys for 2016-2017

Hildebrand, J. A. | Debich, A. J. | Thayre, B. J.

2018 February Visual Survey | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | CalCOFI | SOCAL

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) cruises are conducted in the southern California Bight four times per year and provide a valuable assessment of cetacean abundance, density, distribution and habitat use patterns in an area that is also the location of extensive naval training (Campbell et al., 2014; Debich et al....

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MPL Technical Memorandum 621

Progress Report: Potential Impact of Mid-Frequency Active Sonar on Whales from Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Meyer-Löbbecke, A. | Rice, A. C. | Wiggins, S. M. | Roch, M. A. | Oedekoven, C. S. | Thomas, L.

Submitted To: U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet

2018 February Passive Acoustics | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) provides extensive datasets to examine the behavioral response of cetaceans to anthropogenic sound. Broadband passive acoustic monitoring permits the recording of the full range of cetacean sounds as well as signals produced by the Navy and other anthropogenic sources. We have been...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 620

Summary of Marine Mammal Passive Acoustic Monitoring for the Atlantic Fleet using High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages: 2017 Annual Report

Hildebrand, J. A. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Thayre, B. J. | Rafter, M. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2018 July Passive Acoustics | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted using High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) deployed in waters offshore of Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida with support from the US Navy during 2016 - 2017. The HARPs recorded underwater sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz. Data analysis consisted of analyst scans...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 619

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex April 2016 - June 2017

Rice, A. C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Rafter, M. A. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2018 February Passive Acoustics | Blue Whale | Fin Whale | Beaked Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Explosions | Sonar | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from April 2016 to June 2017 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: west of San Clemente Island (1,000 m…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 618

Spatial variability of fin whale song in the Southern California Bight Progress report

Širović, A. | Wilson, E. | Rice, A. C.

Submitted To: U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2018 February Fin Whale | SOCAL

The fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is an endangered species of mystecete that is relatively common and likely resident in the Southern California Bight (SCB). Fin whale song, made of 20 Hz pulses with distinct interpulse intervals (IPIs) may be one possible tool to help delineate between populations. The common fin whale song type in the...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 617

Underwater noise comparison of pre- and post-retrofitted MAERSK G-class container vessels

Gassmann, M. | Kindberg, L. B. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2017 October Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise

As part of a radical retrofit program, MAERSK LINE, the world’s largest container shipping company, has modified eleven G-class container vessels in the years of 2015 and 2016 under an investigative and energy-efficiency improvement effort. As the radical retrofit includes replacing the bulbous bow to reduce drag, derating the main engines...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 616

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Western Atlantic April 2015 - March 2016

Varga, L. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Thayre, B. J. | Rafter, M. A. | Brewer, A. M. | Wiggins, S. M. | Širović, A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Van Parijs, S. M.

2017 April Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Delphinid | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Airguns | Echosounder | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Western Atlantic (WAT) from April 2015 to March 2016. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed at three offshore locations: Nantucket Canyon (site NC) at 980 m depth, Oceanographer Canyon (site OC) at 1100 m depth, and Heezen Canyon (site HZ) at 850 m…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 615

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Virginia Capes Range Complex April 2015 - January 2016

Frasier, K. E. | Debich, A. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Varga, L. M. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Brewer, A. M. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2017 March Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Airguns | Explosions | Sonar | Echosounder | Western Atlantic

To monitor for the presence of marine mammals, a High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) recorded within the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex, offshore from Cape Hatteras (HAT), between April 2015 and January 2016. The HAT site was located approximately 75 nm offshore in about 1000 m of water...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 614

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex July 2015 - November 2015

Varga, L. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Trickey, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Rafter, M. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2017 January Passive Acoustics | Odontocete | Beaked Whale | Sperm Whale | Delphinid | Echosounder | Western Atlantic

A High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from July 2015 to April 2016, with recordings made between July 2015 and November 2015, to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex. The HARP was located 83 nm off the Florida coastline on the continental...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 613

Progress Report on the Analysis of the Potential Impact of Mid-Frequency Active Sonar on Whales

Širović, A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Meyer-Löbbecke, A. | Rice, A. C. | Wiggins, S. M. | Roch, M. A.

Submitted To: U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2017 March Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | Blue Whale | Beaked Whale | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) provides extensive datasets to examine the behavioral response of cetaceans to anthropogenic sound. Broadband passive acoustic monitoring permits the recording of the full range of cetacean sounds as well as signals produced by the Navy and other anthropogenic sources. We have been...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 612

Summary of Ambient and Anthropogenic Sound in the Gulf of Alaska and Northwest Coast

Wiggins, S. M. | Debich, A. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2017 March Anthropogenic Sound | Ambient Soundscape | Ship Noise | Sonar | Gulf of Alaska

Underwater ambient and anthropogenic sounds were recorded over multiple years in areas where the U.S. Navy conducts periodic at-sea training, one in the Gulf of Alaska and the other offshore of the northwest Pacific coast of the continental U.S. The Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (GATMAA) was acoustically monitored...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 611

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex June 2015 - April 2016

Rice, A. C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Debich, A. J. | Meyer-Löbbecke, A. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI.

2017 February Passive Acoustics | Blue Whale | Fin Whale | Beaked Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from June 2015 to April 2016 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: west of San Clemente Island (1,000 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 610

Marine Mammal Monitoring on California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CALCOFI) Cruises: Summary of Results 2012-2016

Debich, A. J. | Thayre, B. J. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2017 February Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Delphinid | Density | Abundance | Distribution | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Cetacean distribution, density and abundance in the Southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during eighteen California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from February 2012-April 2016. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect protocol during all daylight...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 609

Final Report Living Marine Resources: ID-33 Technology Demonstration for Fleet Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2016 March Passive Acoustics

The High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was upgraded to have a new disk storage format, and larger data storage capacity, as part of a Living Marine Resources (LMR) supported project under the category of “Technology Demonstration for Fleet Passive Acoustic Monitoring.” The HARPs and previous generation...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 608

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex July 2014 - May 2015

Širović, A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Debich, A. J. | Herbert, S. T. | Meyer-Löbbecke, A. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Roch, M. A.

2016 March Passive Acoustics | Blue Whale | Fin Whale | Beaked Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from July 2014 to May 2015 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High- frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three offshore locations: west of San Clemente Island...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 607

Progress Report on the Application of Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Density Estimation of Cuvier’s Beaked Whales

Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Giddings, A. | Brewer, A. M. | Jacobs, E. R. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | McDonald, M. A.

2016 March Passive Acoustics | Beaked Whale | Density | SOCAL

Progress is reported on efforts to estimate the density of Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), using passive acoustic monitoring data collected with Navy support at sites in the Southern California Bight. Two methods for estimating weekly densities of beaked whales are presented, one based on the number of echolocation clicks...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 606

Progress Report on the Application of Passive Acoustic Monitoring Data for Assessing the Potential Impact of Mid-Frequency Active Sonar on Whales

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Trickey, J. S. | Meyer-Löbbecke, A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Roch, M. A. | McDonald, M. A.

2016 March Passive Acoustics | Blue Whale | Beaked Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) provides extensive datasets to examine the behavioral response of cetaceans to anthropogenic sound. Using broadband passive acoustic monitoring, the full range of cetacean sounds and the sounds of naval and other anthropogenic sources are recorded. We have been collecting high-frequency PAM...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 605

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 2004 - 2014: Executive Summary

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Oleson, E. M. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2016 March Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Delphinid | Beaked Whale | Washington Coast

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range Complex from July 2004 to August 2013 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at two locations: an offshore shelf slope site near...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 603

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex August 2014 - May 2015

Frasier, K. E. | Debich, A. J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Rice, A. C. | Brewer, A. M. | Herbert, S. T. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2016 March Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Western Atlantic

A High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was deployed from August 2014 to July 2015, with recordings made between August 2014 and May 2015, to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex. The HARP was located 83 nm off the Florida coastline on the continental...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 602

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area 2014 - 2015

Rice, A. C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Brewer, A. M. | Debich, A. J. | Herbert, S. T. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

2015 November Ambient Soundscape | Mysticete | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Explosions | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (GATMAA) from April 2014 to May 2015 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at five locations: a shelf site offshore...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 600

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Virginia Capes Range Complex October 2012 - April 2015

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Brewer, A. M. | Frasier, K. E. | Gresalfi, R. T. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Rice, A. C. | Varga, L. M. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Stanistreet, J. E. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2016 September Baleen Whale | Sperm Whale | Echolocation | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Explosions | Airguns | Sonar | Western Atlantic

To monitor for the presence of marine mammals, High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed at two sites within the Navy’s Virginia Capes Range Complex. There were three deployments at one site, located offshore from Cape Hatteras (HAT), between October 2012 and December 2014. There was one…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 559

Seasonality of killer whale (Orcinus orca) ecotypes in the Northwest Training Range Complex

Rice, A. C. | Deecke, V. | Ford, J. | Pilkington, J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Debich, A. J. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Širović, A.

2015 June Killer Whale | Seasonality | Washington Coast

Three different killer whale (Oscines orca) ecotypes are known to inhabit the Northeastern Pacific: Residents, Transients and Offshores. These ecotypes are distinguished by morphological, genetic, behavioral and acoustic differences. Killer whales of each ecotype produce distinct, stereotypic pulsed calls that can be used as acoustic...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 558

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Northwest Training Range Complex July 2013 - April 2014

Trickey, J. S. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Brewer, A. M. | Debich, A. J. | Herbert, S. T. | Rice, A. C. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M.

2015 June Ambient Soundscape | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | Washington Coast

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range Complex from July 2013 to April 2014 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at two locations: an offshore shelf slope site near Quinault...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 557

Low-frequency Ambient Noise Offshore of North Carolina and Florida 2007 - 2014

Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2015 April Ambient Soundscape | Low-Frequency | Western Atlantic

Low-frequency (10 - 1000 Hz) ambient noise spectrum level measurements were made at six sites over a period of about 7 years (2007 - 2014) offshore of North Carolina and Florida on the Atlantic seaboard continental shelf and slope. Site-averaged ambient spectrum levels for the six sites are similar (within 10 dB) with levels around 60...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 556

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex May 2013 - August 2014

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Alldredge, A. L. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Varga, L. M. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2015 March Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex from May-June 2013 to February-August 2014. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at a site located 60 nm east off the Florida...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 555

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex January - July 2014

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Rice, A. C. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

2015 February 26 Baleen Whale | Beaked Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from January to July 2014 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: west of San Clemente Island (1,000 m...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 554

Methods for Quantifying Mid-Frequency Active Sonar in the SOCAL Range Complex

Wiggins, S. M.

2015 January Sonar | SOCAL

A new method was developed to provide better metrics for quantifying Mid-Frequency Active Sonar (MFAS) occurrence and levels, and was applied to passive acoustic monitoring data collected in the Southern California (SOCAL) Range Complex. MFAS signals are composed of both tones and frequency swept ‘pings’, often with...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 553

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Naval Training Area Dec 2012 - Jan 2014

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Alldredge, A. L. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Rice, A. C. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Varga, L. M. | Wiggins, S. M.

2015 January Ambient Soundscape | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex from December 2012 to January 2014 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High- frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at three locations: near Santa...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 552

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area 2013-2014

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Alldredge, A. L. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Rice, A. C. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Varga, L. M. | Wiggins, S. M.

2014 November Ambient Soundscape | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area (GATMAA) from June 2013 to May 2014 to detect marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at five locations: a shelf site offshore...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 551

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Northwest Training Range Complex 2012-2013

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Alldredge, A. L. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Herbert, S. T. | Johnson, S. C. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M.

2014 June Ambient Soundscape | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Washington Coast

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted to detect the presence of marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range Complex (NWTRC) from September 14, 2012 until June 30, 2013. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at the shelf...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 550

Marine Mammal Monitoring on California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) Cruises: 2012-2013

Campbell, G. | Roche, L. K. | Whitaker, K. | Vu, E. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2014 February Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Delphinid | Density | Abundance | Distribution | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Cetacean distribution, density and abundance in the Southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during five California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from August 2012-November 2013. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect protocol during all daylight...

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MPL Technical Memorandum 549

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex 2010

Johnson, S. C. | Širović, A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Hodge, L. E. W. | Read, A. J.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2014 February Passive Acoustics | Ambient Soundscape | Humpback Whale | Anthropogenic Sound | Sonar | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted at a site in the US Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex during 9 March - 26 August 2010. The site is located 50 nm east of the Florida coastline on the continental shelf. Acoustic data collected at this site provide information on the presence of marine mammals and naval sonar. High-frequency…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 548

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area 2012-2013

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Jackson, A. N. | Johnson, S. C. | Roche, L. K. | Trickey, J. S. | Thayre, B. J. | Wakefield, L. | Wiggins, S. M.

2013 October Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Echosounder | Explosions | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area from May 2012 to June 2013 to detect the presence of marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz at a shallow shelf site offshore Kenai…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 546

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Cherry Point OPAREA 2011-2012

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Gentes, Z. E. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Johnson, S. C. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Trickey, J. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia

2014 February Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Echosounder | Explosions | Sonar | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted within the Navy’s Cherry Point OPAREA during August - December 2011 and July - October 2012 for a total of 105 and 81 days respectively. This site is located approximately 100 miles from the North Carolina coastline on the shelf break. The 2011 deployment was at a water depth of 952 m…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 545

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Range Complex 2012

Kerosky, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Gentes, Z. E. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Johnson, S. C. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Wakefield, L. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2013 August 18 Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex during March 2012 through December 2012 to detect the presence of marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz with continuous…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 544

AcousondeTM Acoustic Tag Calibration at the Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC)

Wiggins, S. M.

2013 May Calibration | TRANSDEC

Calibration of the AcousondeTM acoustic recording tag was conducted at the U.S. Navy’s SPAWAR SSC Pacific Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC) in San Diego. Data were collected on 20-21 November 2012, using four AcousondeTM model 3B acoustic tags. The acoustic recorder in the AcousondeTM 3B consists of two separate…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 543

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Northwest Training Range Complex 2011-2012

Kerosky, S. M. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Gentes, Z. E. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Johnson, S. C. | Roche, L. K. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2013 June Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Washington Coast

Passive acoustic monitoring using High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) was conducted at two sites in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range Complex; one on the continental shelf near Cape Elizabeth (CE) and the other at the shelf slope near Quinault Canyon (QC). The inshore shelf site was monitored from December…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 542

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Jacksonville Range Complex 2010-2011

Debich, A. J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Johnson, S. C. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2013 March Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Western Atlantic

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted at two sites in the US Navy’s Jacksonville Range Complex during August 2010 - July 2011. These sites are located 50 and 61 nm east of the Florida coastline on the shelf and shelf break at water depths of 40 m - 300 m. Acoustic data collected at these sites provide information on the presence…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 541

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) Cruises: 2011-2012

Campbell, G. | Roche, L. K. | Whitaker, K. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2012 December Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Density | Abundance | Cetacean | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Spatial and temporal distribution patterns, density and abundance of cetaceans in the southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during five California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from August 2011 - July 2012. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect prot-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 540

Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans in the Northern Gulf of Mexico using Wave Gliders equipped with High Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages

Hildebrand, J. A. | Gentes, Z. E. | Johnson, S. C. | Frasier, K. E. | Merkens, K. | Thayre, B. J. | Wiggins, S. M.

2013 March Passive Acoustics | Wave Glider | Cetacean | Gulf of Mexico

Two Wave Gliders equipped with High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) were deployed to monitor cetacean sounds during three separate missions in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) during 2011. Wave Glider HARP (WGH) based recordings contain delphinid and sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) vocal-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 539

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during 2010-2011

Hildebrand, J. A. | Merkens, K. | Frasier, K. E. | Bassett, H. R. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Wiggins, S. M. | McDonald, M. | Marques, T. | Harris, D. | Thomas, L.

Submitted For: Research Agreement #20105138

2012 July Passive Acoustics | Density | Cetacean | Gulf of Mexico

The goal of this report is to provide density estimates for cetaceans in the Gulf of Mexico during and following the time of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. We document the instrumentation, data collection, and analysis of passive acoustic monitoring data collected between May 2010 and August 2011 with support from the Natural…

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Bryde’s whale calls recorded in the Gulf of Mexico

Širović, A.Bassett, H. R. | Johnson, S. C. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted For: Research Agreement #20105138

2012 June 22 Bryde’s whale | Vocalization | Gulf of Mexico

Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni) inhabit tropical and sub-tropical waters worldwide and, unlike most other mysticetes, they are not thought to make long seasonal migrations (Jefferson et al. 2008). They are the only Balaenopterid regularly found in the U.S. waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), with their range likely constrained to the…

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Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area 2011-2012

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Debich, A. J. | Gottlieb, R. S. | Johnson, S. C. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Solsona Berga, A. | Wakefield, L. | Wiggins, S. M.

2012 November Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | Gulf of Alaska

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area during July 2011 to February 2012 to detect the presence of marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz with continuous temporal cover-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 538

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Naval Training Area 2011-2012

Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Buccowich, J. S. | Debich, A. J. | Johnson, S. C. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Solsona Berga, A. | Wiggins, S. M.

2012 August Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex during May 2011 - March 2012 to detect the presence of marine mammal and anthropogenic sounds. High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) recorded sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz with nearly continuous temporal…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 537

Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring of North Sea Marine Seeps

Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: Bubbleology Research International, LLC

2012 July Passive Acoustics | Airguns | North Sea

Monitoring marine seeps is imperative to understanding how seafloor emissions of methane, an important greenhouse gas, may affect the atmospheric methane budget. Bubble formation sounds from marine seeps previously have been recorded with underwater hydrophones; however, there appear to be no reports of long-term acoustic…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 536

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Northwest Training Range Complex 2011

Širović, A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Buccowich, J. S. | Cummins, A. J. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Solsona Berga, A. | Wiggins, S. M.

2012 August Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Explosions | Washington Coast

Passive acoustic monitoring using High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) was conducted at two sites in the Navy’s Northwest Training Range Complex from January until November 2011. In this report, information on the presence of marine mammals and anthropogenic sounds collected at these sites is presented,…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 535

Marine Mammal Demographics off the Outer Washington Coast and Near Hawaii

Oleson, E. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Chief of Naval Operations Energy and Environmental Readiness Division, Washington, D.C.

2012 April Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

This report summarizes work conducted in 2008-2010 with Navy support to understand the seasonal occurrence and distribution of marine mammals in or near active Navy ranges. Long-term acoustic recording and monthly visual surveys have been conducted off the outer Washington coast since 2004 as part of an effort to monitor for…

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Marine Mammal Demographics of the Outer Washington Coast during 2008 - 2009

Širović, A. | Oleson, E. M. | Calambokidis, J. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Cummins, A. J. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Simonis, A. E. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2011 June Passive Acoustics | Washington Coast

The outer Washington coast of the United States is a productive marine ecosystem home to many species of marine mammals, including beaked whales, killer whales, and other cetaceans and pinnipeds. The Navy’s Quinault Underwater Tracking Range (QUTR), part of the Northwest Training Range Complex is located along the outer…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 534

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) Cruises: 2010-2011

Campbell, G. | Roche, L. K. | Bassett, H. R. | Simonis, A. E. | Camacho, D. | Whitaker, K. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2011 August 18 Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Density | Abundance | Cetacean | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Spatial and temporal distribution patterns, density and abundance of cetaceans in the southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during four California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from August 2010 - April 2011. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 533

SIO small boat based marine mammal surveys in Southern California: Report of Results for August 2010 - July 2011

Campbell, G. | Weller, D. W. | Cummins, A. J. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2011 August 5 Visual Survey | Distribution | Delphinid | Sonar | SCORE | SOCAL

This report summarizes small boat based research conducted on cetaceans off southern California by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in collaboration with Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) from August 2010 - July 2011. The primary objectives of this research were to use sighting, photo-identification, biopsy…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 532

Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the SOCAL Naval Training Area 2010-2011

Hildebrand, J. A. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Širović, A. | Bassett, H. R. | Cummins, A. J. | Kerosky, S. M. | Roche, L. K. | Simonis, A. E. | Wiggins, S. M.

2011 August Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Sonar | Echosounder | Explosions | SOCAL

Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted at two sites in the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex during April 2010 - April 2011. These data provide information on the presence of marine mammals and anthropogenic sound sources. High-frequency acoustic recording packages documented sounds between 10 Hz and 100 kHz…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 531A

Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Larese, J. P. | Hill, M.

2011 May Cetacean | Delphinid | Pacific Islands

The high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP), which had been deployed off the northeast shore of the atoll, was recovered on 30 April 2011. This instrument started recording on 25 August 2010, located at position 05° 53.705’ N 162° 02.240’ W in 700 m of water. This trip marked the closing of the project in Palmyra and there-…

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SIO small boat based marine mammal surveys in Southern California: Report of Results for August 2009 - July 2010

Campbell, G. | Weller, D. W. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2010 August 31 Visual Survey | Distribution | Delphinid | Sonar | SCORE | SOCAL

This report summarizes small boat based research conducted on cetaceans off southern California by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in collaboration with Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) from August 2009 - July 2010. The primary objectives of this research were to use sighting, photo-identification, biopsy…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 530

Marine Mammal Monitoring for the Hawaii Range Complex

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2010 July Odontocete | Beaked Whale | Echolocation | Anthropogenic Sound | Ship Noise | Echosounder | Pacific Islands

This report summarizes work conducted in FY2009-FY2010 with Navy support to characterize marine mammal sounds related to passive acoustic monitoring in the Hawaii Range Complex (HRC). Existing acoustic data from the Hawaii Range Complex area were analyzed to provide better descriptions of acoustic signals by species. Record-…

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California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) Cruises: 2009-2010

Campbell, G. | Merkens, K. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2010 November 5 Visual Survey | Passive Acoustics | Distribution | Density | Abundance | Cetacean | CalCOFI | SOCAL

Spatial and temporal distribution patterns, density and abundance of cetaceans in the southern California Bight were assessed through visual and acoustic surveys during four California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises from July 2009 - April 2010. Visual monitoring incorporated standard line-transect protocol…

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High Frequency Acoustic Recording Package Annual Data Summary Report March 11, 2009 - March 25, 2010 SOCAL Site M

Hildebrand, J. A. | Bassett, H. R. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Campbell, G. | Cummins, A. J. | Kerosky, S. M. | Melcon, M. L. | Merkens, K. | Munger, L. M. | Roch, M. A. | Roche, L. K. | Simonis, A. E. | Wiggins, S. M.

2010 August Passive Acoustics | Cetacean | Anthropogenic Sound | SOCAL

This report summarizes the underwater sounds detected during a series of deployments of a High Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) in the southern California (SOCAL) offshore region. The HARP records broadband (10 Hz - 100 kHz) acoustic data, including both marine animal and anthropogenic sound. This report…

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High Frequency Acoustic Recording Package Annual Data Summary Report March 14, 2009 - March 26, 2010 SOCAL Site N

Hildebrand, J. A. | Bassett, H. R. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Campbell, G. | Cummins, A. J. | Kerosky, S. M. | Melcon, M. L. | Merkens, K. | Munger, L. M. | Roch, M. A. | Roche, L. K. | Simonis, A. E. | Wiggins, S. M.

2010 August Passive Acoustics | Cetacean | Anthropogenic Sound | SOCAL

This report summarizes the underwater sounds detected during a series of deployments of a High Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) in the southern California (SOCAL) offshore region. The HARP records broadband (10 Hz - 100 kHz) acoustic data, including both marine animal and anthropogenic sound. This report…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Larese, J. P. | Deakos, M.

2010 August Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

The high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP), which had been deployed off the northeast shore of the atoll, was recovered on 24 August 2010. This instrument started recording on 12 June 2010, located at position 05°53.690’ N 162°02.224’ W in 700 m of water. New circuit boards were installed the previous trip that permitted…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Larese, J. P. | Deakos, M.

2010 June Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

The high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP), which had been deployed off the northeast shore of the atoll, was recovered on June 3, 2010. This instrument started recording on October 3, 2009, located at position 05° 53.719’ N 162° 02.229’ W in 718 m of water. Data recording had ended at the time of recovery and preliminary…

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Noise levels generated by research icebreakers and marine seismic sources in the deep-water, Arctic Ocean

Roth, E. H. | Schmidt, V.

2010 March Source Levels | Icebreaker | Sea Ice | Seismic Activity | Arctic

This report presents results from several in situ shipboard experiments designed to observe and measure acoustic sound pressure levels (SPL) generated by research icebreakers and active sound sources operated in the Arctic Ocean. Sections of this report will be divided up by the icebreaker study (HLY-0805) and seismic…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 527

SOCAL 34 Preliminary Cruise Report R/V Sproul, July 21-28, 2009

Hildebrand, J. A.

2009 July Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Hydrophone | SOCAL

During July 21-28, 2009 the R/V Sproul conducted a simultaneous visual and acoustic survey for marine mammals in the Southern California Range Complex (SOCAL) area. A total of 70 hours were spent on-effort covering 539 nm of trackline. Within this effort, 47 hours (306 nm) were devoted to transect lines at the SOAR hydrophone…

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Marine Mammal Acoustic Monitoring and Habitat Investigation, Southern California Offshore Region

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2009 June Passive Acoustics | Baleen Whale | Beaked Whale | Odontocete | CalCOFI | SOCAL

This report summarizes work conducted in FY2007-FY2008 to conduct marine mammal monitoring and habitat investigations in the southern California offshore region. The report describes marine mammal monitoring results during quarterly cruises, and models how physical and biological oceanographic conditions affect marine mammal…

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Acoustic and Visual Monitoring for Cetaceans Along the Outer Washington Coast

Oleson, E. M. | Calambokidis, J. | Falcone, E. | Schorr, G. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2009 March Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Baleen Whale | Odontocete | Pinniped | Washington Coast

Since July 2004, visual and acoustic monitoring efforts for marine mammals have been conducted in waters off the outer Washington coast. These efforts have been specifically to determine the seasonal occurrence of marine mammal species and to estimate their relative abundances, particularly in the area of the proposed expansion of…

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Integration and Use of a High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) on a Wave Glider

Wiggins, S. M.

Submitted To: Liquid Robotics, Inc.

2009 November Wave Glider

During the first two weeks of October 2009, a Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) was integrated into a Liquid Robotics Wave Glider and recorded more than 3 days of wide-bandwidth acoustic data. The recording contains dolphin whistles and clicks along with anthro-…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 528

Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Garsha, C. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2009 June Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

On May 23, 2009, the high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP) deployed off the western terrace of the atoll was recovered. The instrument was originally deployed on October 21, 2008 at position 05°51.777’ N 162°09.385’ W in 599m of water. Data recording ended on April 2, 2009, and preliminary analysis looks good…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Larese, J. P. | Cunningham, K. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2009 October Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

The high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP), which had been deployed off the northeast shore of the atoll, was recovered on September 26, 2009. This instrument started recording on June 1, 2009, located at position 05°54.252’ N 162°02.219’ W in 1085 m of water. Data recording was still ongoing at the time of recovery and…

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Marine Mammal Acoustic Monitoring and Habitat Investigation, Southern California Offshore Region

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2007 November Beaked Whale | Delphinid | Echolocation | CalCOFI | SCORE | SOCAL

The echolocation clicks of five dolphin species found off southern California are described and the use of clicks for species classification is investigated. Spectral and temporal properties are analyzed for the echolocation clicks from short-beaked common, long-beaked common, Risso’s, Pacific white-sided and bottlenose dolphins. Two of…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Roth, E. H. | Baumann-Pickering, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2008 October Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

On October 17, 2008, the 24ft Nature Conservancy launch vessel Zenobia approached the coordinates 05°51.906’ N, 162°09.491’ W (520m depth) where an autonomous instrument - referred to as a High-frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) - was moored to the seafloor during deployment on May 26, 2008. Transmitting a…

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Beaked Whale Anatomy, Field Studies and Habitat Modeling

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2007 November Beaked Whale | Physical Properties | Gulf of California

Results of field studies of beaked whales in the Gulf of California for December 2004-December 2006 are described. The goal is to determine the range of sound produced by beaked whales and to investigate beaked whale behavior and habitat. A minimum of 17 cetacean species (12 toothed and 5 baleen whales) were observed in 147…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Peen, Y. K.

2007 September Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

During a visit to Palmyra from April 6-8, 2007, during the cruise with the S/V Robert C. Seamans, the high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP) deployed on October 18, 2006 was recovered. It was refurbished and redeployed on April 8, 2007, off the south-western outer reef at close proximity to the previous position (approx. 0.6…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Baumann-Pickering, S.

2007 August 29 Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

In the following I present preliminary results from the long-term dataset that was recorded during October 19, 2006 and March 23, 2007 by an autonomous bottom-moored high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP). I compare this data with hydrophone array recordings that were taken while in the vicinity of groups of animals…

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Acoustic Monitoring for Killer Whales in the Bering Sea

Hildebrand, J. A. | Oleson, E. M.

Submitted To: Alaska Department of Fish and Game State Wildlife

2007 July Passive Acoustics | Killer Whale | Bering Sea

The presence of killer whales in the Bering Sea was examined using data from High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) originally deployed for studies of North Pacific Right Whales. With support from ADFG, two HARPs were deployed at sites on the Bering Sea middle-shelf, in collaboration with the NOAA Pacific Marine…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 494

Cooperative Acoustic Monitoring of North Pacific Right Whales

Hildebrand, J. A. | Munger, L. M.

Submitted To: Alaska Department of Fish and Game State Wildlife

2007 July Passive Acoustics | North Pacific Right Whale | Bering Sea

We used autonomous High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) to provide long-term recordings of critically endangered North Pacific right whales and other whales in the South East Bering Sea (SEBS). With support from ADFG, we deployed HARPs at two sites on the Bering Sea middle-shelf, in collaboration with the…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 493

2006 Progress Report on Acoustic and Visual Monitoring for Cetaceans along the Outer Washington Coast

Oleson, E. M. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Calambokidis, J. | Schorr, G. | Falcone, E.

Submitted To: Naval Postgraduate School

2007 August Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Washington Coast

An acoustic and visual monitoring effort for cetaceans was initiated within the boundaries of the proposed expansion area for the Quinault Underwater Tracking Range in July 2004. Acoustic data collection consisted of recordings at a site on the continental shelf to the west of Cape Elizabeth and another in deep water within Quinault…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Speed, C.

2006 November Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

A new high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP) was deployed on October 18, 2006 off the south-western outer reef at 05°51.846’ N 162°09.907’ W in 650 m of water. The instrument was redesigned in a mooring style to prevent sliding and becoming stuck in the steep topography. With this type of setup deployment and recovery…

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Acoustic and Visual Survey of Cetaceans at Palmyra Atoll

Baumann-Pickering, S. | Garsha, C. | Rubio, N.

2006 August Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | Pacific Islands

The high-frequency acoustic recording package (HARP) deployed last September off the north-western outer reef at 05 54' 6"N 162 7' 12"W in 500 m of water could not be recovered and therefore was not refurbished. The first attempt on Friday July 21, 2006 and two further attempts at recovery showed that the instrument's position is…

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Automated Passive Acoustic Tracking of Dolphins in Free-Ranging Pods

Kim, K. H. | Husky, P. | Porter, M. B. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Henderson, E. E. | Wiggins, S. M.

Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 8th ECUA

2006 June Localization | Delphinid | SCORE

Research in passive acoustic detection and localization of marine mammals has largely focused on isolated cases of single or few individuals. However, many marine mammals, such as dolphins, characteristically aggregate in large pods. In addition, dolphins vocalize frequently, emitting broadband clicks and frequency-modulated whistles,…

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Whale Watch Vessel Ambient Noise in the Haro Strait

Hildebrand, J. A. | McDonald, M. A. | Calambokidis, J. | Balcomb, K.

Submitted To: Joint Institute for Marine Observations

2006 August Ship Noise | Ambient Soundscape | Washington Coast

This report provides a partial analysis of Haro Strait whale watching vessel noise data collected during fieldwork conducted May 28th to 31st, 2004 under contract to the NOAA Northwest Science Center. The goal of this project was to measure representative calibrated noise levels of whale watching vessels and commercial shipping…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 490

Calibration of Haro Vertical Array Recording System at Pt. Loma Transducer Evaluation Center (TRANSDEC)

McDonald, M. A.

2006 March 31 Calibration | TRANSDEC

Calibrated measurements of sound levels in the ocean are useful in many ways, whether for understanding acoustic propagation, measuring the call source levels of whales or examining change in ambient noise due to shipping increases. While specifications for each component in a recorder and bench measurements of gain within each…

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Final Report SERDP Project 1189: Acoustic and Visual Monitoring for Marine Mammals at the Southern California Off-Shore Range (SCORE)

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

2005 February Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Cetacean | SCORE | SOCAL

Acoustic techniques have the potential to assess marine mammal populations in areas of naval interest such as within the Southern California Offshore Range (SCORE). We report on a multi-year study of marine mammal presence within the SCORE range using both acoustic and visual techniques. The primary objective of this SERDP…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 500

Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Cetaceans

Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee 56, E13

2004 Cetacean | Anthropogenic Sound | Whale Strandings

Anthropogenic sound is created in the ocean both purposefully and unintentionally. The result is noise pollution that is high-intensity and acute, as well as lower-level and chronic. The locations of noise pollution are along well-traveled paths in the sea and particularly encompass coastal and continental shelf waters, areas that represent critical…

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Cuvier's Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirosris) Tissue Physical Properties: Measurements of Sound Speed/Attenuation, Density, CT numbers, Elasticity and Temperature Influences

Soldevilla, M. S. | McKenna, M. F. | Wiggins, S. M. | Shadwick, R. E. | Cranford, T. W. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2004 February Beaked Whale | Physical Properties

Physical properties of tissues from a Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) neonate are examined and compared to Computed Tomography (CT) X-ray imaging. Studied physical properties include longitudinal sound velocity and attenuation, density, and elasticity. Tissue samples were extracted throughout the body, although…

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MPL Technical Memorandum 480B

A Call For Research to Assess Risk of Acoustic Impact on Beaked Whale Populations

Taylor, B. | Barlow, J. | Pitman, R. | Ballance, L. | Klinger, T. | DeMaster, D. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Urban, J. | Palacious, D. | Mead, J.

Submitted To: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee 56, E36

2004 Beaked Whale | Whale Strandings | Anthropogenic Sound | Seismic Activity | Sonar | Airguns | Gulf of California

We report the first observation implicating low-frequency seismic exploration in whale strandings. This observation, together with whale multiple strandings linked with naval exercises using mid-frequency sonar, suggests that acoustic-related mortality may pose problems for some deep diving whales. Detecting beaked whales is difficult…

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Southern Ocean GLOBEC/CCAMLR collaboration: Cruise report 2003 - 2004

Thiele, D. | Asmus, K. | Dolman, S. | Falkenberg, C. D. | Glasgow, D. | Hodda, P. | McDonald, M. | McKay, S. | Oleson, E. M. | Širović, A. | Souter, A. | Moore, S. | Hildebrand, J. A.

Submitted To: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee 56, E24

2004 November 6 Cetacean | Passive Acoustics | Visual Survey | Sea Ice | Antarctica

International Whaling Commission /ARP’s around the Antarctic (IWC/AAA) initiative field work during the intersessional period has involved collaboration with national programs conducting multidisciplinary ecosystem research in the Antarctic under Southern Ocean Global Ecosystem Dynamics (SO GLOBEC) and other multidisciplinary…

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Biogeographic Characterization of Blue Whale Song Worldwide: Using Song to Identify Populations

McDonald, M. A. | Hildebrand, J. A. | Mesnick, S. L.

Submitted To: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee 55, SH7

2003 Blue Whale | Vocalization | Distribution

Blue whale songs provide a new means for characterizing blue whale population structure worldwide. These songs are divided into nine regional types, which maintain a stable character. Five of the nine song types have been recorded over time spans greater than 30 years showing no significant change in character. We suggest that…

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Calling Behavior of Blue Whales in the Southern California Bight

Oleson, E. M. | Calambokidis, J. | Burgess, W. | McDonald, M. A. | Wiggins, S. M. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2003 Blue Whale | Vocalization | SOCAL

Northeast Pacific blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) produce calls that are low frequency (17Hz) long duration (20 sec.), and high intensity. The majority of blue whale calls can be described as a pulsed (A) and tonal (B) call pair, whose character has remained consistent over the past 40 years. We have been conducting concurrent…

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A Robust Model-Based Algorithm For Localizing Marine Mammal Transients

Tiemann, C. O. | Porter, M. B. | Hildebrand, J. A.

2002 Localization

Given the increasing interest in the effects of sound on marine mammals, a new model-based algorithm for localizing transient noises around a sparse, widely-distributed array of receivers has been developed and tested with real acoustic data. The robustness of the algorithm is illustrated in its application to two different scenarios with equal…

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Observations of Sperm Whale Sounds from Great Depths

Whitney, W.

1968 Sperm Whale | Localization

Localization in depth and range of "clicks" typical of Sperm Whales were made using two hydrophones and a surface reflection. One hydrophone was mounted on the bottom of FLIP (91.5 meters deep) and the other suspended 900 meters below FLIP. Source depths as deep as 2500 meters and ranges to 10,800 meters were observed…

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